Thursday, November 6, 2008

Internet Classic: chin2.mpeg

I was originally going to post the classic videos of the "Back Dorm Boys" but then stumbled onto a video that I haven't seen in years. This video may one of the original viral videos, as it spread around the internet well before there was YouTube or streaming video sites anywhere on the web. A file named "chin2.mpeg" rose to internet fame by being sent on the various P2P networks of the time, I think I may have gotten it off mIRC.

Chin2 (named after the original filename chin2.mpeg) is a humorous video considered by many to be an Internet classic. The video features two topless, presumably Korean youths who dance and lip-sync along with a sped up version of the Korean language song "Jung Hwa Ban Jeom" (중화반점 "Chinese Restaurant") by the Korean artist Louis.

Several imitators have since made copycat videos (e.g. Unchin2) with the same song, mimicing the original movements. The original pair also made similar videos, chin1.mpeg and chin3.mpeg, which are less well known.

The ending segment 'La, la la la, la la la, la la la la' can be heard looped in the background of the Weebl and Bob cartoon Space Mushrooms. [Indopedia]


Although lesser known, the same 2 guys made videos entitled "chin1" & "chin3". They definitely aren't up to the same standard of "chin2" so I will just link to them instead of actually embedding the video.

Two Canadiens made a parody of "chin2", titled "unchin2.mpeg". Here it is.

this is the video of the song they are dancing to

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