Monday, January 26, 2009

Gigapan: Obama's Inauguration Photo

This is pretty amazing. I mean it is from a weird side angle and I'm not exactly sure the point of it, but it's cool. Make sure you do lots of zooming so you experience how crisp and detailed the photo really is. Here's what the site says:

I made this Gigapan image from the north press platform during President Obama's inaugural address at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC on January 20, 2009. It's made up of 220 images and the final image size is 59,783 X 24,658 pixels or 1,474 megapixels.

** UPDATE 1/25/09 -- Thank you for the overwhelming enthusiasm for this photo. I am happy to announce that high quality prints will be available shortly. To be notified, send a blank email to:

By the way, here's what a Gigapan is:
GigaPan consists of three technological developments: a robotic camera mount for capturing very high-resolution (gigapixel and up) panoramic images using a standard digital camera; custom software for constructing very high-resolution gigapixel panoramas; and, a new type of website for exploring, sharing and commenting on gigapixel panoramas and the detail our users will discover within them. The GigaPan website allows hosting and sharing all kinds of panoramas, and so the robotic GigaPan mount is recommended but is certainly not required to be part of this community.

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