Friday, June 20, 2008

Shaping Perception

How do you want people to see you? Funny? Intelligent? Kind? Witty? The way we conduct ourselves everyday, every minute, with every word from our mouths, shapes the way others perceive us. I've often heard the expression, "I don't care what other people think about me."
What a truly sad statement this is. It implies a rather egocentric way of viewing relationships with others. If lots of people think you're a jerk, it's probably not without cause. Whats further, if you sincerely did not care that everyone thinks you're a jerk, you're only confirming their beliefs. Oh yeah, I forgot; you don't care. The truth is , I think there are actually very few people out there who don't care at all what other's think about them. Generally, people want to fit in and be liked. However, you can be liked and still not have a very good reputation. In order to have a positive image, one must conduct themselves with honor, respect, class, humility, and courteousness in everything they do, with all people they meet (not just powerful people). Being percieved as a "good guy/girl" amongst your friends, bosses, people you want to like you, etc. and showing no respect to bus-boys, shoe shiners, fast food workers, etc. doesn't really make you a good person. It means you can turn it on when you want to, but normally choose to keep it off. It's easy to shape a positive perception of yourself when your trying to; the mark of a person with a truly positive image is one who doesn't know how to turn it off. Life is a strange thing where anything can happen. Maybe in a couple years the people you never gave the time of day will soon be the ones you want to impress. It is essential that we treat others, all others regardless, with class and respect in order for other's perception of us to be how we'd truly like.

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