Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Internet Classic: Bubb Rubb & Lil Sis

Today's internet classic comes to us from our very own San Francisco Bay Area. KRON-4 aired a news report in 2003 about a whistletips and the problems they were causing in Oakland neighborhoods. I especially like the part in the video where he peels out from the body shop and commits about 3 traffic violations in one block.

Bubb Rubb entered the public’s eye in 2003 during a KRON-TV report on an increase in whistetips, a modification to a car’s muffler that made a high-pitched screeching sound while accelerating, in the Oakland area. Residents of the town were complaining that these modifications were the cause of a lot of disturbances in the area. A few minutes into the report, the KRON reporter approached a local man who was getting whistetips installed at a local shop. The man, Bubb Rubb, first reenacted the sound the whistetips made by hooting, “Woo-woo!” Seconds later, he made a comment towards the residents who found the tips annoying by saying, “Some neighbors say it's way too loud. That's only in the morning, you're supposed to be up cooking breakfast! It's like an alarm clock. Woo-woo!” Bubb Rubb became an instant internet celebrity because of his passion for whistetips and his catch phrase, Woo-woo! Also because he nearly crashed his car while trying to show off his tips just moments after they were installed. [CollegeHumor]

The video has sparked lots of video responses and dedications, not to mention many sites dedicated to Bubb Rubb & Lil Sis.

Bubb Rubb - Remix
Bubb Rubb - 50 Cent Remix
Shatner vs Bubb Rubb

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Generic Website is a World Wide Web Internet Classic!