Monday, October 20, 2008

Music Monday: Bang Camaro

Bang Camaro is composed of a bassist, a drummer, three guitarists, and anywhere from ten to twenty vocalists comprising a full choir of lead singers. The band's music is somewhat similar in style to '80s metal. The basic song structure employed by the band does away with traditional verses in order to highlight catchy choruses and integrate as many guitar solos as possible. The result has been described by the band as, "taking everything we loved about the genre, and throwing everything out that we hated." The band cites Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly as influences in addition to hard rock/heavy metal bands like Skid Row, Iron Maiden, and Dokken. "I would call us anthem rock," said Alex Necochea. "We're really not heavy metal. I think our focus is more on writing great singles, as best as we can make them. That's just something Bryn and I grew up on. We're big fans of melody and big driving hooks, that sort of thing." Some of Bang Camaro's songs have been featured in both Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

Push Push (Lady Lightning)

Night Lies

Pleasure (Pleasure)

Performance & Interview

Not a video, but interesting...think you could be in Bang Camaro?

Official Site

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