Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Viral Videos Inspire Weezer Video

Ahhh the internet, a wondrous place where a chipmunk, a kid reenacting Star Wars, or a Rick Astley song can suddenly explode and become a cultural phenomenon. Well the alt rock band Weezer took that idea and ran with it in their music video for the song "Pork and Beans."

On May 23, 2008, the video premiered on YouTube. It features the band interacting with many YouTube stars and Internet memes, including Gary Brolsma ("Numa Numa guy"), Matt McAllister, Mark Allen Hicks ("Afro Ninja"), Caitlin Upton, Judson Laipply, Chris Crocker, Kicesie, Tay Zonday, Kevin Federline (stock footage), Kelly, Ryan Weiber, Michael "Dorkman" Scott, Jeong-Hyun Lim, Dramatic Prairie Dog (including lookalikes of J-Pop group Mini Moni, who were in the original TV clip the Dramatic Prairie Dog originated from), Fritz Grobe and Stephen Voltz's Diet Coke and Mentos eruptions, parody G.I. Joe PSAs, catching Raybans with one's face, the Dancing Banana, Will It Blend?, All Your Base Are Belong to Us, Sneezing Panda, One Man Band by Connor Berge, Daft Hands, Daft Bodies, the Soulja Boy dance (listed on YouTube as "Crank That Soldier Boy"), a CGI Donald Duck and King Kong, Charlie the Unicorn, and the UFO sighting in Haiti Hoax video. [Wikipedia]

Check Weezer's "Pork & Beans" video out on YouTube or......

I've posted some of these original videos in previous posts and I'll try to keep at least 1 classic viral a week coming. Check back later today for one.

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